Not horrible, BUT they were obviously a Windows shop because there was no consistency with the dtd location filenames and they didn't necessarily match the case of the provided dtd files.
As an example:
<!DOCTYPE MLB_SCORING_UPDATE SYSTEM "xmldtds/Major League Baseball/MLB_SCORING_UPDATE.dtd">To make matters more annoying, they weren't even consistent with the main directory "xmldtds" here, "Xmldtds" there... fine if you're on Windows, not so great for a case-sensitive filesystem.
Sure, I could have written a script to down-case all the files in the directory structure AND captured the xml string before I transformed it into a document and downcased the dtd path through a regex/replace... but that's a lot of kludging for something I don't really care about... I'm not validating the document, I just care that it's well-formed.
First thought, this should be easy, I'll just tell it not to validate:
Oops, actually that doesn't work... it still tries to find the DTD (and throws an exception since that filepath doesn't exist on my system).
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(false);
Ok, second thought - there's an EntityResolver interface, that should be helpful... I can just grab the systemId when it hits my overridden resolveEntity() method and handle it there...
package org.xml.sax;Only problem, that doesn't seem to work. It tries to resolve the SYSTEM dtd (and blows up with an exception) before it hits my overridden method.
public interface EntityResolver {
public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicID, String systemID)
throws SAXException;
Finally, after a bunch of searching and wading through many posts where other people also wanted to just ignore the DTDs, I finally chanced upon a solution. You need to explicitly set the features on the SAXBuilder.
private Document parseXmlDocumentFromString(String input) throws JDOMException, IOException {
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(false);
builder.setFeature("", false);
builder.setFeature("", false);
builder.setFeature("", false);
return StringReader(input));
Hope this saves someone else some time.
Thanks for this solution .. I had the same problem
Had the same problem. I'll reference your solution for others. Again, THANKS!!
Thanks for your solution!
you are the man. thanks.
thanks a lot - this solution worked for me!
It works! thx.
Saved me time, so perfect! Thanks.
Thanks a lot!
I tried this but I got:
Error 500: org/jdom/input/SAXBuilder.setFeature(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
any clue? what jar are you using for SAX builder?
I am using achexxml-2.0.jar and achexmapi.jar
Thanks! You solved my problem, too!
Tank you very much!!
Thanks a lot man !
Adding to the pile of thanks! Oddly this also works on a SAXParserFactory where you _do_ want to do validation against an XSD, by setting saxFactory.setValidating(true); and then setting those three features to false...
Perhaps best not to think too much about it ;)
Muchas gracias!!!!
I was suffering with hibernate-cfg.xml
Thank you very much!!!!
You saved my life man !
Thanks for saving my time.
Thanks for the solution!
Thank you so much for the solution!
i actually have XML files without DOCTYPE declaration nor DTD. i have to figure out what to do to ignore DOCTYPE as well.
Thank you <3
thx for the solution, good work.
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