Saturday, November 29, 2014

Decrypting something encrypted with OpenSSL passphrase in Golang

For various reasons, it's easiest to deploy configuration settings at our company as java properties files.  Java properties files usually contain lines in the form of {key}={value}, with a few quirks around encoding, but nothing too difficult to handle.

My app is written in Go, so it's a little strange to use java-style properties, but they're easy enough to parse and load into a map[string]string.  

Things get a little more interesting when those keys and/or values are sometimes encrypted with OpenSSL using AES-256-CBC and a passphrase.

Golang already has quite a few packages available in crypto including AES, so I thought this should be straightforward, especially since the password to decrypt would be provided by the user.  

First question is regarding aes.NewCipher - it takes a []byte, the length of which is used to determine if you use AES-128, AES-192 or AES-256.   I know the properties were encrypted using AES-256-CBC, therefore I need a 32 byte key,  but all I have is a password. You can easily get the key, salt and initialization vector (iv) by using the OpenSSL command-line tool, but it took quite a bit of digging to figure out how to do that programmatically.
# Using the openssl CLI
$ echo "this is a test" | /usr/bin/openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:password -base64

$ echo "U2FsdGVkX1+ywYxveBnekSnx6ZP25nyPsWHS3oqcuTo=" | /usr/bin/openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:password -base64 -p
iv =2436176AB793A101FC7427DB662B84A2

$ echo "U2FsdGVkX1+ywYxveBnekSnx6ZP25nyPsWHS3oqcuTo=" | /usr/bin/openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:password -base64
this is a test
A couple posts/stackoverflow questions point to EVP_BytesToKey which sorta implies that you just need to MD5 the passphrase and salt until you have enough bytes to make up the key and iv.

The next question, "how do I get the salt?", turned out to be super easy.  In the OpenSSL implementation, you just have to turn the encrypted base64 string into a []byte and grab the first 16 bytes.  Those bytes are always the string "Salted_" followed by the actual 8 bytes of salt.

Now that we have the passphrase and salt, we just have to repeatedly generate MD5 sums from the previous MD5 sum (start with an empty []byte for the first iteration) concatenated with the passphrase concatenated with the salt.  Each iteration gives you 16 bytes so for the 32 byte AES-256 key plus the 16 byte iv it needs to be run it three times.

After you have the key and iv, it's easy to decrypt using Go - the tricky part was figuring out how to go from a passphrase to the key and iv.

Anyway, here's the final code, hope it's helpful to someone:

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Set complement between two files

Set Complement (or what elements from file1 are not in file2)

$ sort file2 file2 file1 | uniq -u