Monday, January 27, 2014

Reloading lein repl

So, I'm working through the book Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks from the awesome Pragmatic Programmers and I'm on the Clojure section (keep in mind that I don't know Clojure ^^) but quitting/restarting to get the repl to pick up changes just plain sucks.

Here's a solution I found on SO:

Add tools.namespace to your project.clj dependencies.

:dependencies [
  # ...
  [org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.4"]]

After you start up the lein repl:
user=> (use '[ :only (refresh)])

... make some changes to a clj file ...

user=> (refresh)
:reloading (hello.core hello.core-test zap.models)
It's not 100% automatic, but it beats quitting/restarting. Though it does appears you have to type that use statement every time after you refresh...

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